I Rise Again

Image from Seema Pillay

Ballet Passion

“How can you rise if you have never burned? Ever baked a cake?”

Off life when you take

Dreams what you make

Fears that shake

Those tears can’t be fake.

True to the depth

Soaked fears in breadth

All night wept

Craving for a breath.

Hiding in the darks

Covering all the marks

Seeking for the spark

Laying silently…

For someone to hark.

I am Rising again

I No more feel the same

I No more take the blame

I no more bear the pain

I am now in the Game

Rising above the stars

Swallowed all the scars

Standing like the spars

Feel me…I am not far

Tall again I stand

Yes of course i can

Watch me where I land

Stop Me If You Can!